Infrastructure Ideas

There is no escaping the fact that a lot of Hull & the East Riding’s bike infrastructure dates from at least the 1990s and is not fit for purpose when judged against our Key Principles or the latest national standards. The ideas on this page are suggestions of how to address this.


Cyclists are at greatest risk whenever changes of direction can be made, but every junction in Hull & the East Riding could be made safe by design. This can only be achieved by prioritising safety over motor vehicle traffic flow - this requires a change in mindset from local authority highways officers; Thankfully, resources to help them succeed are plentiful. In short, we encourage as many junctions as possible to be converted to roundabouts:

  • The Hull Roundabout - safe roundabouts from Dutch design principles with a Hull twist.

And where roundabouts are not practical, traffic light junctions that protect the most vulnerable road users as a priority:

Alternatively, there’s growing evidence that removing traffic signals altogether leads to more attentiveness, lower speeds and overall safer junctions.

Bikeable School Catchments

Roads and Streets

We’re working on it.

Dedicated Routes

We’re working on it.