Stoneferry Primary School Bikeable Catchment Area

Because of, rather than inspite of, its location on one of Hull’s busiest roads, Stoneferry Primary School could quite easily have a fully connected, bikeable catchment area. This is mainly because of its positioning between the newly upgraded bike route of the Stoneferry Corridor and the Foredyke Route, which itself is due to be upgraded. This would go beyond the ‘School Streets’ concept that is being used up and down the country and mean all journeys of pupils to and from the school are safe from motor traffic and do not need to contribute to the pollution on Stoneferry.

The proposal can be explored more by clicking on the map below; there is a key explaining what the colour of each line means on the left hand side of the map and clicking on each of the lines displays basic details about that section.

In order for every residential address in the school’s catchment area to have direct access to a safe active travel route would only require 2 to 3 new sections of bike path. This would be complimented / enhanced by making any residential road in the catchment area, that isn’t already, a 20mph limit. The existing off road bike path infrastructure almost provides a safe link between the school and one of the city’s leisure centres (Ennerdale); the additions here would create this link. Unfortunately, despite feedback on the Stoneferry Corridor scheme at the time, controlled crossings at Bandstand Roundabout on the West Carr Lane and Leads Road arms have been omitted. It is strongly recommended that they are included as an upgrade as soon as possible; for a roundabout to carry as much traffic as this scheme and not include controlled crossings is in contravention of LTN 1/20 standards and undermines the good work on the rest of the Stoneferry Corridor scheme and its effectiveness in the wider cycle network.

A couple of (very approximate) headline figures:

  • Extremely rough guesstimate at cost - £1.5million (based on an average of £500,000/km upgraded or new segregated path; £30,000 per controlled crossing).

  • Footpath to upgrade to shared or segregated use - 0.7km.

  • Hull CC proposed new bike or shared paths - 0.7km.

  • CycHull proposed new bike or shared paths - 1.4km.

  • CycHull proposed controlled crossings - 2.