CycHull support the development of safe and convenient bike infrastructure in Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire.
We are a group of people who are passionate about cycling as a method of active travel, looking to make positive change in the community. Many of our members are cycling experts, with experience and knowledge based on thousands of miles travelled and hours ridden. With this knowledge, we can offer local authorities and others informed support and practical advice on creating better active travel networks. We criticise constructively but always match problems with solutions.
If you like what you read on these pages, please consider joining us, getting involved and donating as much or as little as you can.
A good idea is a good idea.
Places that are bold with active travel schemes and move away from motor vehicle dominance of city, town and village streets will prosper; those that falter will be left behind. Thankfully in Hull, the main political parties are in agreement on a commitment to active travel. While they may differ in how they want to achieve this, we believe a good idea is a good idea and will support the idea rather than the colour of the rosette proposing it. Above all, we are a positive voice that represents over two-thirds of the public who are in favour of more support and opportunity for active travel. Find out more about the changes we’d like to see in Building for Bikes.
We have potential, but we’re not there yet.
Why, despite the flat landscape, straight roads and compact size, is Hull the only major city in the UK that saw the share of journeys made by bike fall in recent years? To address this we want to build a community that supports those already riding, encourages those that want to, to do so, and increases the share of journeys made by bike again. Only a commitment to safe, convenient bike infrastructure will make a real difference. Visit the Have Your Say page to see how we engage with the local authorities.