Help to keep us CycHull-ing
Can you help us to raise £400 to pay for the cost of our web site and other promotional materials?
Please click here to support our fundraiser.
Since we launched in 2021, we have:
Run group bike rides to demonstrate what a CycHull city feels like.
Talked to the press and engaged on social media, continually making the case for active travel.
Offered our opinions and advice to council members and officers on new infrastructure.
We’re all volunteers, and earn no profit from our activities. Our only expenses are for our web site and marketing materials which help us reach more and more people.
Please help us to keep the CycHull momentum going in 2024.
Make a donation on Just Giving
CycHull is a group of volunteers aiming to achieve Unincorporated Association status. In doing so, we will be required to meet certain accounting standards. By being transparent with costs and spending from the beginning, there will be no noticeable difference; our accounting records will be formally audited and maintaining them will become the responsibility of an appointed treasurer.