Proposed improvements to NCN65
CycHull has been working with Sustrans who have been drawing up plans to present to Hull CC for improvements to National Cycle Network 65 in east Hull.
The stretch they are looking at is from the railway line near the north end of Montrose St in the north, to Clarence St in the south.
The proposals include:
Alongside Montrose St: Removal of barriers
Widen paths - 3m cycle path and 2m foot path
James Reckitt Ave: Improve the paths to the left of the crossing
Make the crossing a toucan crossing
Narrow the road at the crossing and raise it, to make traffic slower
Mt Pleasant to Chapman St: Widen the paths including moving the lamp-posts
Entrance to Reckitt Benckiser: Remove mini-roundabout, so that cyclists are not intimidated by cars going South on Mt Pleasant
Priority crossings for cycles
Chapman St to St Mark St: Remove central division between cycle and pedestrian paths
Address night-time safety concerns
St Mark St: Swap the road narrowing to the south side, because of poor visibility from the south side
(Other – they had tried to get the road closed here but there was push back from Hull CC
because of a new refuse firm moving into the area that needed it for access)
St Mark St to Spyvee St: Widen the paths
Prioritise pedestrians over the cycle path
Spyvee St/Holborn St junction: Prioritise cycle route to/from Holborn St with a raised table, different coloured surface,
‘Give way’ markings on Spyvee St and Pemberton St.
Holborn St: Make one-way north to south
Witham to Alma St: There are two options for the route, both involving a shared crossing across Witham:
1. A direct route along Blenkin St
2. A less direct route along Malton St and Hyperion St
(The more direct route is problematic for car access but cyclists are thought to be unlikely to use the longer route.)
Alma St: Close the southern end of it
Put in a shared crossing across Clarence St
There are more details than this in the plans but the above gives a good overall picture. If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact