Making a Difference Locally

The Have Your Say section of the website has recently been updated to include links to the Hull CC website page that lists local ward councillors and how to get in touch with them.

The benefits of a local approach have recently being shown in the Drypool ward. We noticed that the initial planning document for the upgrade of the Foredyke route wasn’t very specific about the crossing of James Reckitt Avenue. At the same time, some of our members had raised concerns about the small stretch of James Reckitt Ave that needs to be negotiated for the Foredyke route to connect to Dansom Lane and the old Withernsea Railway route. We raised these issues with the local ward councillors and, at their request, were contacted by the Hull CC Highways team. They acknowledged the issues raised would be addressed, and invited CycHull to contribute in the detailed design of the Foredyke route upgrade. With the links in the route and the details properly considered, the Foredyke route will be 5 miles of quality infrastructure that connects suburbs and industrial areas to the city centre.

We will continue to look for links and connections in Hull’s existing bike infrastructure that are simple to address but would have larger benefits in safety, convenience and cohesion, and address these ‘easy wins’ with local ward councillors.


Improving Hull’s cycle network – Have Your Say on CommonPlace


The Contribution of Cycling to Hull's Carbon Neutral 2030 Commitment